In the heartwarming third installment of the Highlands Christmas Romance series, Melissa Mackenzie is on the verge of fulfilling her dream of owning a charming Scottish home. Just as she celebrates signing the final paperwork, her soon-to-be ex-husband, Dave, disrupts her plans by demanding his half of the property in their divorce.
To complicate matters further, Melissa's blossoming romance with Colin, who happens to be Dave's attorney, adds a twist to her already tangled life.
As the January chill falls over the Highlands, Melissa finds solace in helping her friend Lindsay prepare for the grand opening of a new inn in Inverness, just in time for a festive Burns Supper. Meanwhile, Colin navigates his own family drama as his father falls for Margaret, a vivacious real estate agent.
With love, loyalty, and the spirit of the Highlands at stake, Melissa and Colin must find a way to balance their personal and professional lives, proving that sometimes, the best gifts come wrapped in the most unexpected packages.
Cozy up with Highlands Homecoming for a heartwarming tale filled with romance, friendship, and the magic of Scotland.